Friday 20 April 2007


After recent research for uni work. I came across a guy called Max Clifford. I've heard of him before but couldn't quite remember what from. Then I remembered! Max Clifford of PR giants "Max Clifford Associates" is responsible for some crazy things! So crazy, I felt compelled to share some of them.. For example one of the most famous tabloid headlines in British history regarding Freddie Starr supposedly eating a hamster which later Clifford revealed was not at all true! His client list includes the likes of kiss and tell Rebecca Loos, diet queen Gillian McKeith and Simon Cowell can thank him for a huge profile boost, too. Especially as recently Forbes named Cowell one of the biggest earners of last year and he's now sitting on an empire worth £100 million! Not bad for someone who was a nobody 5 short years ago! To some people he's a vile money grabber, to Simon Cowell, "he's a godsend!" You decide!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Peel Bay Festival 2007!

On the Isle of Man, from 30th May to 5th June is the Peel Bay music festival. Bands coming over include The Who, Sugababes and McFly. Although this may not seem like anything special, for the Isle of Man, it's a big deal! The concerts will be located in a marquee which can hold up to 10,000 and will take place amidst the busy TT (motorbike race) which is already a mad time to be on the island! With a campsite opposite the festival 100 acre site I think it's safe to say we may see a biker or two this summer!
More to the point though, I was shocked to realise that Street Heritage, the company organising the festival, haven't made promotional posters or fliers. So, I took the liberty of designing a poster and a leaflet in a bid to promote the concerts! Despite not getting them published or anything, lots of people have seen them and like them!

Wednesday 18 April 2007

That'll teach 'em..

Today at work I finished my article for The Newspaper. I wrote it on the subject of young offenders and whether or not kids should be educated in prison which I found really interesting. Last week I met with the manager of the Young Justice Team, Gary Hardman and spoke to him for ages! There was so much to learn about how they deal with children who get into trouble on the Isle of Man, and it's completely different to the UK. They seem to be a lot more lenient over here, they don't actually send youths to prison, they send them to a Secure Unit. What's more surprising is that Gary has only ever seen 5 kids been sent there in his 3 years experience on the island! I guess the reason they are more relaxed here is because the crime that the kids commit are not exactly life threatening. However, although the crimes themselves might not be prison worthy, last year youths made up for 13.2% of the arrests on the island which is actually not far off the UK which was around 14%. Anyway enough figures for today, the full article will be in The Newspaper from next week. For more info on The Newspaper, check out

Monday 16 April 2007

Work Placement...

At first my placement, or lack of, was a huge dilemma! I couldn’t work for my first choice (Strive PR) as the boss had to leave the island all Easter. However, she was kind enough to forward on my details to a few work colleagues and surely enough someone rang me within a couple of days. It was a company called EDL Design and they were calling to set up a meeting. I went in the following day, and shortly after explaining what I needed from my placement, we arranged for me to start the next week. Phew! I’ve been there a week now and found it really helpful for my portfolio, which is slowly starting to actually look achievable! Not working today but I am tomorrow so will fill you in on the days work then.